Everyone has a story
You don't need to worry
Mine was not the first
It does sound as the best
In the line of my kind
Who came before their time
Whose gown i'm now glorified
Bypassing the set date of life
April wasn't the expected moment
I could have waited for my month
Step-out timely as it should be
Perhaps, heaven was watching
Destiny came calling and screaming
I thought it was my mom crying
So I came out to console her
As she wasn't ready for my arrival
I can imagine now what mom went through
Even when my arrival was so true
Midwives, nurses and doctors stood still
And April was bent on fulfilling its will
Destiny was happy I heeded to its voice
April celebrated the moment I appeared
There was a joyful noise in the air
About the arrival of a "funny
A creature nobody thought would survive
My dad glanced at me with passion and love
Lifted his eyes to the hills and above
And besought God for His will
Twenty Seven Years On and still counting
That little funny creature April introduced
Is now a full grown pretty damsel
With a legal wig of wisdom on her head
I could thank April for its hold on me
I could applaud Destiny for calling on me
I could bless mom for carrying me
I could love dad for praying for me
I don't want to blame April for intrusion
I don't want to accuse Destiny for not
I don't want to scold mom for pushing
And I'm not asking dad now...but why???
This is no poem to feel sorry for me
I am proud of who I am today
A brilliant charming legal eagle
Sixty Nine days were cut off from me
God has restored them and added more!
***Dedicated to...Barrister Victoria Otuonye,
who was born on April 22nd 1986 instead of June 22nd 1986***