Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Intimacy [...Same Currency, Different Rates]

You know I admire your agility
Just like a thirsty fluffy bunny
In search of a midnight memory
Put together to make you happy

I smile every time you moan
It is hard to leave you alone
Amid the delight in your cute eyes
As I lay calm on your warm thighs

Your nails rouse my entire mind
My body finds it easy to unwind
A rare touch that is one of a kind
I'm privileged to have been affined

Our encounter was not an accident
And our story is an alluring content
Of two lovebirds with a single heart
Destined to be forever and not apart

Should any soul search for our history
In all the countless centuries yet to be
They shall all marvel at our untiring ways
That our love lasted past our dying days

Dedicated To:

Everyone With A Purple Heart 💜

Marital Remnants [...Crumbs That Look Crunchy]

She was a believer until reality jolted her out of her reverie She was sleepwalking in the endless when she bumped into you She thought ...