The haters are always wallowing in their
As they still run about with your league of
Who in times past wrote you off with their tongues
At the time your clock was way behind schedules
They confuse their self-created fame with
Telling everyone how better they are than you are
Even though their privilege is no match for your
But wonder why you keep flourishing in their faces
They besmirch and shrug off your name in the open
Then run to you in secret when they have problems
A ploy to crawl their way back into your blissful
Just to have a new story to tell when they convene
These human-vultures call you "brothers or
Titles they're willing to disparage with their
Whenever your name overshadows theirs in public
As they wrestle and envy your endless successes
They will not give up on your stories anytime soon
That's the only oxygen they need to remain useful
Because they are always searching for new shoes
And they cannot go on barefoot without your name
To The HATERS: Get A Cure Now And Live Free!