I have come to terms
with everything life is, embrace it and move on
I have had a fill of
things that are bitter and sweet but still insatiable
I have carefully
sharpened my mind to explore all there is and beyond
And I am no longer
afraid of what nightmare there may be in my sleep
The future keeps
slithering away no matter how close it seems
My mirror makes me
look beautiful but my youth is disappearing
I have become
broad-minded about the inevitability of tomorrow
And my challenges have
made reality my most reliable companion
My circumstances have
unlocked the doors of unimagined worlds
I cannot help but
drown my worries in the pool of my failures
The other me is
conspiring to trade positions with the real me
My doubts have left me
wandering in the emptiness of this world
My unchecked desires
have driven me to the edge of uncertainties
I am not shy to wear
my scars as they are a reminder of my struggles
I cannot keep up with
my disguises except for the ones I can manage
I feel like a stranger
in my own body due to my never-ending priorities
My dream to take a grip on all fictional constraints is still a mirage
I no longer blame my
heart for accepting what makes me feel whole
The old vow has been
severed and I intend to proclaim a new one
And what began as a
whisper shall be known for ages still to come
Dedicated To