She was a
believer until reality jolted her out of her reverie
She was
sleepwalking in the endless when she bumped into you
She thought
dreams were meaningless until she dared to dream
She was unsure
about what it meant until you gave her a hint
He thought your
reception had ensured him a place in your abode
He thought his
coronation had earned him the kingship in your empire
He thought your
interest in his future would make him yours
He thought your
resistance was a test to keep him fighting
Your proposal was
tempting but it was not what she bargained for
Your denials
stripped her of her right to residency in your heart
Your act of
diplomacy was a ruse in order to manipulate her
Your constant
rejections almost made her unworthy of love
The emotional
pains he endured drained him of his faith in love
Your love résumé
was great but your agenda ruined your chances
You had the
freedom to explore his life but you chose to exploit him
He thought he
made it into your dreams just as you made it into his
It is true life
goes on but the memories are forever imprinted
It is obvious you
could care less but your reputation precedes you
Your heart is
turbulent and nobody wants to experience it.
A slice of bread
is good but a lifetime meal supersedes a leftover.
To Everyone
like the ocean, there is surface and depth in all of us.