Tuesday, March 24, 2015

One Out Of Many (...True Story)

My quest to study in Europe
Was more like a long rope
Long before I met with hope
At the edge of the curvy slope

Then I appeared in a neighborhood
Stranded inside-out without a hood
I became receptive to my own mood
Of how I could get a foothold

In a city where I sought for charity
Instead I got a noble opportunity
That restored my faith in humanity
By one man’s act of generosity

Whom I have given nothing
Even after giving me everything
He still maintains a classy attitude
Regardless of my continuous gratitude

Dedicated To: SIR T.D. (MY HERO)


  1. t's a wonderful piece . I admire the fact that you put your thoughts to writing which is something that most people shy away from . Truly inspiring

  2. Amazing Donald
    im inspired and motivated with your words of wisdom
    Upon scrutinising your artwork never have I encounted boredom
    Your vehemence is rich like a python spit of

  3. Amazing Donald
    im inspired and motivated with your words of wisdom
    Upon scrutinising your artwork never have I encounted boredom
    Your vehemence is rich like a python spit of

  4. nice...keep up the good work bro

  5. This is awesomely thoughtful and inspiring. Good job senior bros, may God bless that man and inspire you to write more poems - Amen!!!


mi reina [...a paragon of beauty]

You are a beam of hope and light in a heart mired in sorrow  A day without a thought of you is an echo in the dimmest shadow You have proven...