Monday, January 18, 2016

The Merchant (...Never Toss A Coin In The Dark)

I thought I knew how to close a deal
Until I was asked to give up my last meal
For the sake of the unbreakable seal
Which was perceived as an inherent ordeal
By those who exuded love and goodwill
At the time it was just a collective spill

Money is a friend we all wish to have
A partial reflection of the other halve
Whose riches are hoarded in a hive
Where greed is the only desiring drive
Just to keep the spillover safe and alive
As many strive and struggle to survive

I have seen the corrosive powers money possess
A public exhibition vicious men do to depress
The spirits of those under financial duress
As though such ugly charade would address
World greatest gift of all as we always profess
In our daily hustles to make our lives a fortress

I will leave the arguments to the true philosophers
Whose words are consistently against the profiteers
That have taken the reins of the society like theirs
Knowing that the consequences of greed are fatal
In a world where affluenza is becoming legal
And yet the system wants everybody to be normal

***Dedicated to all true and honest hustlers, victims of financial troubles, and to all crusaders of love, equity, and justice -- I hear you all!!!


  1. Another master piece well done )

  2. Виктория ВладимираJanuary 18, 2016 at 1:34 PM

    Эдувие, я тебя люблю, ты крутой)

  3. Deep, inspiring, beautiful and lovely. I greet the genius in you, sir

  4. My friend, this is really cool! Beautiful poems! And I tried to sing it in the style of rap, to get interesting!

  5. very well done composition of poetry, thanks for sharing with me.


mi reina [...a paragon of beauty]

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