Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Spiritual Whispers (...Voices Only The SEEKERS Hear)

They sweeten their words in order to get your approval
Claim they've been instructed to take you to the altar
Quote countless verses just to validate their maneuver
An ecclesiastical practice that is not chiefly biblical

Innocent sisters are being deceived by plausible liars
Who in the name of a quiet voice get their ill desires
They’ve relegated the Holy Spirit to their matchmaker
Even though it is written in the bible as the Comforter

The law of mutual attraction can never be manipulated
By those who think they can hoodwink the freehearted
Into embracing their presumed mythological reality
Which has become a religious heist in our society

Nonetheless we all have our marital choices to make
Not as a fallacious tour for every woman to partake
As it amounts to the very beliefs of personal gains
Cos lying and wooing in the name of God bring pains

Dedicated To "The Church"

mi reina [...a paragon of beauty]

You are a beam of hope and light in a heart mired in sorrow  A day without a thought of you is an echo in the dimmest shadow You have proven...