Monday, June 11, 2018

Our Last Breath (...The Only Debt We Owe Time)

Most of the people still call this planet their home
Some murder innocent souls just to own a piece
Others believe theirs is somewhere in the skies
Alas a handful of people hope of life hereafter
But nobody knows what lies beyond this realm

Our expectation of an eternal journey is no ruse
As many would argue in order to dent the truth
Of what had been and continues to use everyone
In a world where many of us are still deliberating
If there's someplace somewhere only death gives

A new home after earth will always be a hotshot
About the soul's endurance beyond the end of life
And this has become a tasteless thought for many
Who strongly believe that our presence on earth
Was as a result of a time-worn blast presumption

No human can stop or slow the passage of time
Since our existence is remotely measured by it
After all it started the day we were duly conceived
Time had been and still remains the marker of life
That ensures our exits when we run out of breath

The thought of your last breath could be frightening
A moment of a fleeting transition into the unknown
Where many believe reincarnation is their best shot
To a place where they hope to relive their lives again
But who wants to return or knows where we're headed?

In Loving Memory of 
Emuesiri, Eunice, Rosemary, Tunde, Wale and others who PAID their DEBTS too SOON -- and to everyone still breathing: "conserve your breath until the timekeeper beckons"

mi reina [...a paragon of beauty]

You are a beam of hope and light in a heart mired in sorrow  A day without a thought of you is an echo in the dimmest shadow You have proven...