Monday, April 8, 2013

...A Lesson From The Parables!

The MINAS (Luke 19 vs. 11-17) which was given to the PHARISEE AND THE TAX COLLECTOR (Luke 18 vs. 9-14) was legally meant for the PERSISTENT WIDOW (Luke 18 vs. 1-8) who sent the UNPROFITABLE SERVANT (Luke 17 vs. 7-10) to inform the RICHMAN AND LAZARUS (Luke 16 vs. 19-31) to confirm from the UNJUST SERVANT (Luke 16 vs. 1-13) if the PRODIGAL SON (Luke 15 vs. 11-32) has truly returned the LOST COIN (Luke 15 vs. 8-10).
Just as it's written and told, the TWO SONS (Matthew 21 vs. 28-32) of the WICKED VINEDRESSERS (Matthew 21 vs. 33-45) hid themselves under the FIG TREE (Matthew 24 vs. 32-44) where the LOST SHEEP (Matthew 18 vs. 12-14) was eating the TARES (Matthew 13 vs. 24-30) which the SOWER (Matthew 13 vs. 3-23) had sown before the GROWING SEED (Mark 4 vs. 26-29) grew into a MUSTARD SEED (Matthew 13 vs. 31-32) as a PEARL OF GREAT PRICE (Matthew 13 vs. 45-46) to the LABOURERS IN THE VINEYARD (Matthew 20 vs. 1-16).
And two weeks later, the FAITHFUL AND WISE STEWARD (Luke 12 vs. 42-48) cut-down the BARREN FIG TREE (Luke 13 vs. 6-9) because of the unexpected-ceremonial visitation of the GOOD SAMARITAN (Luke 10 vs. 30-37) who was also the lord at the WEDDING FEAST (Matthew 22 vs. 2-14) of the WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS (Matthew 25 vs. 1-13). Shortly after the wedding, the RICH FOOL (Luke 12 vs. 16-21) summoned the CREDITOR AND THE DEBTORS (Luke 7 vs. 41-43) to give an estimate of BUILDING A TOWER AND A KINGMAKING WAR (Luke 14 vs. 25-35).
However, the FAITHFUL AND THE EVIL SERVANT (Luke 12 vs. 35-40) were rewarded accordingly of how they spent the TALENTS (Matthew 25 vs. 14-30) and the HIDDEN TREASURE (Matthew 13 vs. 44) which were given to them by the UNFORGIVING SERVANT (Matthew 18 vs. 23-35) whose personality the ABSENT HOUSEHOLDER (Mark 13 vs. 47-50) described as a NEW WINE IN OLD WINESKINS (Luke 5 vs. 37-38).
Finally, the biography of the man who baked the LEAVENED (Luke 13 vs. 20-21) bread and the fisherman who had a DRAGNET (Matthew 13 vs. 47-50) were likened to a story of a man who put his only LAMP UNDER A BASKET (Matthew 5 vs. 14-16) and with a rocky-noisy sound of warning to all humans "Christians especially..." that A WISE MAN BUILDS ON THE ROCK (Matthew 7 vs. 24-27) and A FOOLISH MAN BUILDS ON SAND (Luke 6 vs. 47-49) because the foundation of both houses shall be tested by the wind and storm in the course of their journey on earth and on the last day.

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mi reina [...a paragon of beauty]

You are a beam of hope and light in a heart mired in sorrow  A day without a thought of you is an echo in the dimmest shadow You have proven...